Montag, 24. Dezember 2012

BIG Picture Appendix


lucy in the sky with diamonds
clink clink tina clink
the first view to the sea, look at my bright shoes :)
 a nice dude standing all the time in this cold pond

i found this awesome couch bar in Fitzroy, Melbourne

 This is the bar downstairs

strong soldiers

 look at my bright shoes    
  ok, gone, dont jump over a river expecting solid ground at the other side
  this is my cell where i am living

 nice fireguys making some musik

 another sunset picture

 look at Amys watch, Happy-time all the time

 clouds and sun, amazing 

 beach beach

 another sunset picture

     what do you thing ?

 yeah ???


 every day working hands....

 the instant picture, instant EVERYTHING

 one night without moskitos...thats a dream

not another sunset picture, the "burning clouds"

 but also the moon is nice here 

 fit ? FIT !

 the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

 BUT, its still ALL ABOUT LOVE

 yeeiii little ducklings

 and the last one

 piggi pig pig, sooo cute

 at Amys, the "farm chicks"

 sit down and relaxe :)

 come together...right now

 mon bonne creation "gluehwein on ice" ... NICE !!!

French Island and Melbourne: Happy Christmas Eve and for sure New Years Eve

French Island and Melbourne third:

Hi guys how are u doing :)
So this is my last Post till Christmas and maybe till New Years Eve. Since the last post there were lots of things happen at the farm. Actually while I first tried to upload my last blog post there was a fire at the building next to me. It was like a very crazy thing. My mother tried to reach me at phone but there were problems in the line so, I went out to talk to my mother 3 times ( I was in Marks house and I don't want to wake him up). And every time I cant see anything abnormal or strange with the building next to Marks house. And then I went back in and 10 minutes later I heard this baaanngs. Like somebody is shooting. I thought it were animals first, but then it became louder and louder. And when I looked out, the whole building on fire. I woke everybody up to be sure if the fire catches on the other buildings that nobody is in. You can actually do in this moment: nothing. We guys were standing around (haha I sat on the roof next to the building on fire) armed with fire extinguisher till the firemen were coming. But yes they cant do anything else then holding the hose on the flames but the building is fucked now. The whole roof was asbestos but still in flames till nothing else then the wals and a lot of smoke lefts. In the building was luckily old stuff from wwoofers and the food of the chickens. They are thinking that it's an electrical defect causes the fire but we will never know.

Next things were close to Christmas Sarah Bob Brett and Beka were leaving and I was the last days alone with Amy on the farm. The fireguys and other festival organisators came around and we had a couple of nice days with new fire shows, good drinks and of cause heaps of stuff to talk about. I finished with Bob the bridge for the festival till we run out of wood, repaired the tractor, learned how to weld and we get little babies.
There are two little piggy piglets, ooh such a cute, 7 little ducky ducklings. But how bad is the way of life. The little ducklings are all gone now. One died we think because of weakness, 5 just disappeared (we think a maybe the pigs or a cat had eaten them) and the last one get refused by the mother. We tried to rescue the last one but we think it was to cold in the first days without the mother. Really sad, but thats the way of life.

Another way of live is to kill the animals. On one day, there was a man arriving to kill two cows and two bigs. And the girls said they dont want to see how the animals get killed. And I thought, no, its maybe hard to see passing a live. But I thought I eat almost every day meet without thinking about the farmer who has to give maybe his favourite animal away. And at this morning the biggest male pick came to me and Amy to watch us having our breakfast. And Mark came around and sad to the pig, "you will die later" and with this sentence I get cold and I thought this pig needs my protection and I can prevent the killing of this animal. But then I thought, if its not this, then its an other pig. Mark needs the money and the food to feet us, to feet me. And then I thought its hard to kill something but if I eat animals almost every day, I have to be strong enough to watch them passing away. So I watched the shooting of the pigs and the processing of the pigs and cows. And yes its smelling strong and yes its weird. But till the head and the innards are away, then its just a piece of meet and bones. 

After a few more excited days of the farm and a couple of naked sun baths Christmas gets closer. Ah I forgot, we did secret santa or KK ("Wichteln" in german). I had to make a present for Josefin the Swedish girl. And I though a lot about the present. You cant buy anything on the island, so it was a very creative thing. I knew that she got engaged couple of days before and I thought about a plaque of wood and with her and her girlfriends name soldered. But I had also some god conversations about energy and love with her and I know what she loves the company of a special tree. So I thought about doing something in this direction for her but I actually dont know what to do. In my free time I made some experiments with bones and wood to build a flute. And then I got the idea to make her a little flute as a neckless. I tried hard and had a couple of ideas to build one but I never get a tone out of the little whistles. I had actually a dream a night before the last day where I can build something. And I tried this idea of my dream and one can hear tone a little. Ok and then I went out to get some wood of her favourite tree, the twisted tree. This is actually an amazing tree. Its growing around its centre. It looks like a drill and also the branches are growing around this centre. But the tree fell over before I came to the farm she sad (she was at the farm before in winter). The tree is still growing horizontal and also twisting. I found a root in a perfect size and I could feel the energy of the tree in this root, you cant imagine, its amazing!!! And actually the bark of the root is twisted too. So I made a flute out of this root with 3 holes and made a neckless out of this flute. I tried to get a tone out of this flute but its hard. And then I get it. I should never be a normal flute. We were talking that much about energy and spirits that I couldn't see it, but I saw, its a spirit flute to talk to the spirits.
On this time I was so sure thats exactly what it should be. I get so happy then.
We had a really nice night all together but I know I have to finish the flute in the night. I dont know what to do, but I thought to do some meditation over the flute. I know this sounds crazy and some of you will know or even called me crazy before but I just had this feeling inside of me just...let it be
And thats what happened I had this crazy, like a drug trip, time while meditation and I know exactly what to do. If somebody ever wants to know more, just ask but I dont want to bore my friends they never get into this. So I put two spells on the flute, one for "change" I thought about, if you really want to change something in your life its the most important thing to actually know that there is a problem and the next big step is to it make this decision to change something. And then everything will happen to change yourself but to know that one need help and to know that help is always around, is not easy. And this is my first present for her. A call to the spirits, asking for help.
The next thing is a protecting thing. Its a simple thing but important. And I didn't know but then I cant say whats the third spell I have to put on the flute. So I let it free this slot and the third present for her is to teach her how to do this spells and she has to descide whats the last spell. After this meditation, this root this flute feels soooo strong so babaaam fuck I couldn't let it in my room so I let it out over night. The next day was the day when everybody gets their presents. So the big day. And the presents were all fucking awesome. Haha Josefin had Amy and made her a neckless, too, Amy get Becka and made her a beautiful pocket Beka gets Sarah and made her a great book with things from the farm and Sarah painted a fucking beautiful postcard of the farm for me. So cute, so good. And Josefin just were happy like hell. I know that she would feel this fucking strong energy after the meditation and she did. She hold it in her hand and opened her mouth couldn't day anything. Just "whooow oh my good". And soo crazy. A week before Josefin talked to Beka about protection and that she has this feeling to protect herself. And also she found a book about spells and she found it really exciting and would lern it. So crazy this just had to get happened. And I never did something with spells I just had this feeling to do it and it was like I never did something else. I really dont know what it is but its like we all know what we need and thats what it is and ..... ok ok i'll get too philosophical again and at this point I want you to know, that I started an other blog to talk about this feeling stuff this energy and philosophical developing what I am thinking about. Just ask me about the adress, this is something I'll write in german.
Christmas Christmas Christmas. Whats Christmas without snow, without jumpers and with a lot of sunscreen and too hot days. I can tell you, its not the same. I miss the snow I miss the ice-skating on the lake of constance I miss the bowled wine, the "plaetzchen" and my family. Big kisses at this point back home!
I get off the Island to celebrate a pre Christmas party at Amys. The party was yesterday at the 23. but we went off the Island at the 21. So I had another amazing days here with Amy and her friends...woooww. At the 21. I went with a friend called Joel to a Punk fest in a great pub. Afterwards Amys friend Tim took me up with his car to join another party, called a duf. This is a illegal psytronic festival normally in the bush. But this one was at a empty great place next to a river. Woww. This party was fucking awesome. I dont know when the party started, but we get there at 1am and stayed there the fucking whole night and day, dancing. I never danced that long till we get home at 5pm. Going out at 7-8pm till 5 pm partying almost 24 hours. The plan was at the 22. to buy some ingredients for cake and "gluehwein". But yeah, thats it. Partyed to long. Amy only sad "welcome to our live". Ha this is a place where I could stay. Some people know that I am a night person. I'm saying things like "the important and interesting things happen in the night" and wooww :) such a lovely place with lovely people and dancing all time. If there is no more water, somebody will but water and share it with other. And then you are going to buy some food and you will share it...its like a big family and thats all for free. Music all the time and really good DJ's. Yeah and the next day after this two days there is the pre Christmas Party on Amys flat. It was only a quiet party with a lot of food and water pistols and ice. I made some "gluehwein" and "tiroler" nut cake and served it later when it gets colder. And there it is, with a warm cup of "gluehwein" the Christmas feeling :). Everybody enjoyed the wine and it was the best "gluehwein" I ever had. I found the recipe at the internet and its really tasty. To bad I thought thats soo hot. To hot for an hot drink, and today I had the idea. Do you remember, if you read my blog, in Korea there is everything in hot AND cold. So I put in the last cup I found this morning ICE. And fucking hell, this is awesome. I never was so proud. This is the idea of the last few days of this awesome year :D "gluewein" on ice. Its really good, I couldn't believe. But yes, watch the picture...

So my friends have a good time and enjoy your time with your family, because I cant this year and keep on reading, love u all :-*    xoxo

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

French Island: numero duo

French Island second:

Little update till the last post. We are now 4 wwoofers. The new one is Sarah and yes she is also from the UK. She lived in Melbourne for some month and wants to get the second holiday visa as well. She arrived nearly a week before and does really enjoy everything here. Well she needed some days to get away from the city life feeling but now she is really happy to be here. She had a date this weekend in the city but she didn’t want to go because she already loves this place :-) here. But she’s back on Sunday, oh it’s today. She will be back in some hours. The boat (they call a normal boat a ferry) goes only 3 times a day. There is a (car-)ferry also but you have to book these and there is only space for two cars, so this is nothing compared with the ferries in Constance. Yesterday Josephine a girl from Sweden arrived. So till today we are 5 wwoofers 4 girls and me. Yes I am a lucky man (with fire in my hands). And I don’t have to say that’s all about love on this place, I already did.
There are some new things I did the last days. I learned how to drive the tractor and use the different tools. I build and repaired the fence around the vegetables garden, repaired a broken bridge for the festival...and so one. Once a guy came with his truck to get some cows and castrate the new born. For this we had to bring them all together and to get sure to get all we have to walk to and move every cow on the area. This took half a day only to get these around 80 cows. But it was a lot of fun.

After the work I can do whatever I want. One of my favourites is to climb trees. There a thousands of trees around and they are quite high. Sometimes I met koalas (but it’s better not to climb with them. Oh they are friendly but if they are around and want to climb on one, then you get a problem. They have long and sharp claws like a buzzard or an eagle). I’ve also seen some parrots sitting only the branch next to me while chatting with each other. Or yes for shore lots of different kinds of other birds. They all like to stop on the top of the trees where I am sitting :-) . It’s also a lot of fun to climb the different roofs. Now I can get on the top of every roof without a ladder. And there are some roofs they are pretty good to watch the sunsets. Ohh did I ever talk about the pretty sunsets before? You can’t imagine. It’s sooo beautiful awesome nice and whatever fucking good. Take the best sunset you had before and imagine you can have this or a better one here every day. I stopped myself taking pictures of these because my camera will get full only with sunset pictures. In the last two weeks there were a partial solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. Amy flew to Cairns for the Eclipse Festival to see the eclipse. This was a festival over a week with awesome music and couple of stages with 24 hours live music. Oh at this point I can tell you about the festival on this island I wrote before. To be right; there will be two. One festival for new years eve (this is a two or three day festival with two stages and 24 hours life music run only on solar power and battery) and the other one is a bigger festival called “fest la frog” you can have a look here. For shore we’ll sell self grown food, juice, beer and stuff like this. It’s very interesting to help to organize stuff for the festival (repairing the bridge, building the stage, fencing up the area and we do this stuff with things we have. For the stage we use wood we get out of the forest and to fell the trees and cut them into pieces. It’s funny to see how exact you can build everything with only a few tools. But you have to know. The festival will be a big alternative place with a lot of workshops, mud baths, fireplaces and fire shows. The fire show people came here 3 times now. They also help to keep everything running and are such awesome persons. You can talk to them the whole night about stars, ghosts and reincarnation or other mystery and spiritual stuff. This is such a good place here to do this. Everybody is talking about unconditional love (we would translate this with “love without borders”) hugging and being together. It’s so normal to lay arm in arm with everyone you want. I already know things like this with my friends in Constance but it’s such a good feeling to see that’s all love is about. The first day Sarah arrived and we talked to her about this “hugging and touching each other” thing she did a strange face and looked scared. But we sad you will see, it’s not an erotic thing it’s less erotic than it sounds it’s all about love. And now only after a week, she also enjoys pass a way of another person while touching those. Sounds very wired to write this and it is, maybe while you read, maybe one is only possible to understand or to enjoy while living this. But I’m sure some out of you will understand. So don’t be scared when I am back in Germany (ouh this is a funny picture in my head now :-) )and I will always touch and hug you. That’s the way of love. Mark believes in unconditional love. And what he is thinking about this love is exactly the German translation. Love without borders. And you CAN love without borders. EVERYONE. This is some big lesson I had so learn and I still learn. Did you ever try to love everyone and not only one person? I know it’s something that doesn’t fit into the head... But it does. And it’s good. It’s unconditional.
Oh I am talking to much Philosophy stuff and to little stuff about my journey and this kind of stuff. Maybe I have to write a separate Philosophy and Spiritual Blog - to talk about these experiences.

Half of the cells are full with crab. Unused stuff, stuff from people they left or old dusty stuff. It’s like a big big present or surprise in every room. Combined with the question for what I can use this for is this a big creative playground -obviously a playground for big people. There are the craziest pieces of clothes I have seen, slides, desks, chairs, cupboards, beds, bikes, books, plates, cubs...there is a boat in an old house there are some fridges around, there are about 10 broken cars, there is a broken windmill to pump water from the ground, there are ping-pong tables and a broken billiard, there is a gymnastic or a theatre hall and a library... oh I can’t stop there is so much stuff even a air plane strip.
All this (and around 80 cows 200 sheep 20 pigs and 20 chicken) is controlled by only one guy Mark and his wife Melinda (but she is half the week off the island to sell stuff in their shop). Mark has also a reiki room to give the people a (kind of energy) massage and he wrote a book about his view of life, about mother earth calls “Eve’s secret” (by Mark Cunningham).
I never read this book but I am pretty sure that he wrote a lot about love and forgiveness and freedom. Haha maybe it’s a kind of freedom everybody have to learn to be naked. Naked, to be proud about the own body. Be and get to your own middle is a kind of “get rid of everything”. Get rid of all bullshit you carried for others, get rid of thinks you don’t like, and forgive everybody for bad things what happened. Be naked. The last things you get rid of while being naked are the bright pieces on your skin where normally the shorts or the bras are :-).